In the latest insights from Pavel Durov, a fascinating development has emerged that hints at a significant shift within the Telegram ecosystem. According to Durov’s announcement (source link), Telegram is committed to limiting its accumulation of TON to under 10%. While interpretations may vary, this strategy suggests a potential move towards pricing Telegram ADS in TON, or eventually transitioning to TON-based pricing. Such a shift would position Telegram’s advertising traffic as a global, transparent market maker for TON, stabilizing its volatility and bolstering liquidity in both supply and demand.
Durov’s strategy aims to establish a new reality, devoid of the market manipulation commonly seen with trading bots on exchanges, which inflate volumes and manipulate prices to benefit from speculative trading. This move could revolutionize how digital economies operate, removing artificial influences on asset valuation and fostering a more genuine market environment.
The potential for TON’s trading volume to reach $2 billion per month in the spot market is just the beginning. By selling TON directly to those interested, Telegram could leverage its vast user base to create a balanced market dynamics for buying ads with TON, thereby reducing the available supply and promoting price stability and growth, especially with long-term investors involved.
Durov’s response to challenges from regulatory bodies like the SEC seems to be a bold move towards creating a decentralized economy within Telegram’s vast community. This approach aligns with the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector’s foundational goals of decentralization and independence from traditional financial systems.
An unprecedented decision by Durov to share 50% of ad revenue with content creators sets Telegram apart from established social platforms, offering a unique incentive that could reshape the social media landscape. This generous model benefits both Telegram and its users, promoting content creation and platform growth in a mutually beneficial ecosystem.
The integration of CBDCs and cryptocurrencies could transform Telegram into a direct sales platform, further reducing the reliance on secondary advertising markets and enhancing the efficiency of transactions within the app.
Durov’s forward-thinking approach reflects a deep understanding of the 21st century’s most valuable resource: data. By leveraging artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, Telegram is poised to ascend to new heights, redefining digital communication and commerce.
Critics of TON’s price performance must realize that its stability, in contrast to the speculative spikes seen in other cryptocurrencies, indicates a mature asset poised for sustainable growth. Durov’s vision suggests a reevaluation of current market perceptions, promising significant developments for TON and its role within the Telegram ecosystem.