In the current market phase, the focus should be primarily on building portfolios for the long run. It’s essential to prioritize long-term setups over attempting to capture short-term trades.
For this strategy, a longer stop is advised, though personally, I opt for none. Allocate up to five percent of your deposit to this trade for a balanced risk management approach.
Investment Details:
- Platform: Binance Spot for purchasing UMA/USDT
- Investment Allocation: 5% of your deposit
- Entry Point: Below $4.20
- Stop-Loss: Optional, set at $3.202 if chosen
- Profit Targets:
- TP-1: $7.272
- TP-2: $9.672
- TP-3: $14.472
- TP-4: $24.125
- TP-5: $48.229
- TP-6: Sky’s the limit
Investment Horizon: Medium to long-term
This strategy highlights the importance of strategic investment in UMA, with a focus on long-term growth potential. Remember, investing without a stop-loss is riskier, so consider your risk tolerance and financial situation before following this approach.